Term 2, Issue 2 - Mission | 69ÊÓƵ


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Mission and Identity

Religious Education

Education in faith is firmly grounded in an understanding of our ability to live the Gospel in a contemporary setting – it has a focus on deep learning, robust dialogue, discernment and truth-seeking. Across the start of this term students have engaged with the following studies:

Year 7: Sacred Story

Year 8: Being Catholic in a Contemporary World

Year 9: Prophets of Our Time

Year 10: VCE Religion and Society Unit 1: Religion through the Ages

Year 11: VCE Religion and Society Unit 2: Religion and Ethics

Year 12: VCE Religion and Society Unit 3: Expressing Meaning

Year 12: Religion and Life: Care for Creation

As a community of belief we work towards enabling critical, connected students anchored in their faith and committed to making a true contribution to the lives with which they intersect.

Laudato Si’ Week

This coming week marks the sixth anniversary of "Laudato Si', on Care of Our Common Home," Pope Francis' landmark encyclical on the environment - the theme this year is for we know that things can change.

Laudato Si’ (Praise be to you) takes its name from the Canticle of the Sun, attributed to St Francis of Assisi. You may not be aware that there's a special relationship between Dominicans and St Francis - many artists have depicted Dominic and Francis meeting.

At Siena we continue to commit ourselves to Care for Creation by implementing and maintaining sustainable student-led initiatives - view the Pope’s invitation to celebrate .

Jennifer Levett

Deputy Principal Mission and Identity
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